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4m00se roadmap (TODO-list)


  • Progressive decentralization flow adjustments
  • Dogfood by collecting dapp feedback with a pop-up widget
  • Hosted forms (Fleek possibly)
  • Using for blog-like website comments
  • Embeddings tracking — info for customers where their form is used and how
  • CSV/JSON export of form submissions
  • i18n for main target audience
  • a11y requirements
  • Personas and main user stories for testing and implementation (admin / customer / user)
  • Play around blockchain data immutability (metadata as flags specifically)
  • More meaningful template list


  • Implement and polish UI with due respect to the Figma mockups
  • Full-screen modal component for form preview and template selection
  • Extend available form control set and additional helper elements
  • Make search work
  • Proper loading / errors display
  • Smoothen interactions and transitions, especially auth
  • Polish alfa version alert and logged-in alert banners, show conditionally with adjusted content
  • Profile page and avatar autogeneration
  • Dark/light mode switcher
  • Drag-n-drop for form builder
  • Pagination
  • Styling tab for form builder
  • Custom 404 page
  • Footer processing — no need for it inside the app

Soroban smart contracts

  • Flexible smart contract with parameters allowing for paid/sponsored submission
  • Consider providing more sophisticated deployer contract
  • Monetization (consider possibilities for product/customers/users) with stuff like form creation fees, limits for number of submissions, custom asset names, etc.

Stellar flow

  • CID/submission duplication prevention for transactions

JSON IPFS storage

  • Optimize Pinata / consider alternatives
  • Consider creating IPFS node and custom SDK for it

AuthN / AuthZ


  • Additional content encryption
  • Proper form sanitizing everywhere


  • Generic protection from CORS issues
  • Style and font customizations, and also dark/light mode settings, or a flag to ignore/override system settings
  • Optimize the build size (stylesheet trimming, minimal custom markdown parser)
  • Client side result screen / server side url redirect
  • Webhooks / email collection for form submissions
  • Opt-out (default) and customizable (customer's) branding
  • Possibility to expand the form widget to full-screen modal (focus mode)
  • Customizable loader state
  • Multiple instances per page (multiple base ids)
  • Customizable spam protection
  • Progressive web2 degradation flow (support for direct config setting instead of config URLs)


  • GitHub actions for pre-PR and build checks
  • Set up a11y testing pipeline
  • Consider git flow and staging env

Bundling and deployment

  • Optimize Render deployment / consider alternatives
  • Widget: Use CDN for script distribution
  • Widget: Package to npm/JSR
  • Release and changelog flow

Development and tech debt

  • Clean up temporary and unused stuff (clean up TODOs — move here if necessary)
  • Analyze how Svelte stores work on client now and won't there be any issues/leaks with them — consider migration to signals or something
  • Find a way to invalidate docs build caches
  • Stellar mainnet integration adjustments
  • Thorough error processing
  • Consider proper monitoring and error tracking
  • Proper TypeScript types everywhere
  • Add unit tests for major business logic
  • Build component library with StoryBook for isolated development and testing the most important components
  • Add e2e/component tests for specific features / components
  • Automated performance benchmarking, especially for the widget
  • Commit indicators for the deployed app
  • Migrate to Svelte 5
  • Integrate headless components
  • Proper parametrized routing
  • Check asset name uniqueness on creation
  • API docs autogeneration
  • Disable Render self-ping


  • Add architecture description
  • Add tutorial
  • Annotate project structure
  • Interactive onboarding flow
  • More meaningful documentation page topbar
  • Consider separate documentation page
  • Polish documentation display on the website


  • Add custom labels and automation for them
  • Add simple code style guide
  • Add changelog following common practices
  • Isolate local and CI/CD scripts inside package.json
  • Move script files to a separate folder

Marketing and demos

  • Polish disclaimer to give more generic context on the dapp nature
  • Emphasize "progressive decentralization" approach of the app
  • Guest book as a demo form with interactive results
  • Open source starter template as a promo, tutorial for that
  • Comparison with other onchain/offchain solutions
  • SEO meta, like described here
  • Dynamic stackblitz/codesandbox/glitch examples
  • Blog page, like described here, for instance